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Jet-Set Glow: 6 Must-Have Skincare Products To Include In Your Travel Kit.

6-Must-Have-Skincare-Products-To Include-In-Your-Travel-Kit

Did you know that airports limit the amount of liquid you can carry with you? They do. So be very choosy about what skincare products to pack and what to leave behind.

Because skincare gets more important when you’re travelling. Climate, place, pollution level, more exposure to sun – your skin gets bombarded with all kinds of surprises when you’re traveling.

So of course, it needs extra care. Travelling can’t be an excuse to skip your daily skincare. Nevertheless, we understand that while traveling – space crunch is a real problem. But who’s telling you to pack up the entire MAC makeup box, we suggest that stick to basics. If you’re confused and are like – what are the basics?

Then go through the list given below, carefully put together to help you out.

Face Wash

Traveling means you will be staying more outdoors than indoors. So at the end of the day cleaning with a face wash is a must. Your face wash removes all the surface layers of dirt or dust that get attached to your skin during the day. After getting rid of all the oil and dust baggage doesn’t it feel so refreshing? Exactly why, we suggest the first skincare essential you should pack is face wash.


You might have the notion that face wash is enough. But not really. Throughout the day dust, oil, and filth keep piling up on the skin and seep into your pores. And that’s how you end up with clogged pores, and face wash alone is not enough to wash them away. So make space for your cleanser.


You get the fact that dust and grime seep into pores right? That’s why you need to close up your pores with a Toner. Yeah, a toner’s job is to close up pores and protect filth from getting under your skin. Toner is your way to – precaution is better than the cure method.

Hydrating Face Masks

After so much washing and cleaning, the skin is sure to become dry and rough. To make sure that dryness doesn’t set in, we recommend hydrating face masks. Face masks return the moisture and calm down your dry and irritated skin. Along with moisture masks go an extra mile and present your skin with some nutrients and antioxidants. They even come in sachet packets so it doesn’t take much space as well. Squeeze them in anywhere.


A moisturizer is the oldest and the CEO of all skincare products. Like really, moisturizer has been around for ages now. It’s the first choice of skincare product for any gender. Whether you’re a boy or girl, doesn’t matter, moisturizer hydrates all kinds of skin. Besides, hydration moisturizers take care of your skin’s pH level as well. So goes without saying that – moisturizer is tagging along always.


Traveling without sunscreen – do you have a death wish? Wherever you’re going sunscreen needs to come with you. It’s a common sense and a fact. With the ozone layer stretching thin and the Sun leveling up its ultraviolet rays, now isn’t the time to forget your sunscreen. If you don’t want to end up with skin cancer? Then find space for your sunscreen.

Lip Balm

Pay attention to your lips too. They have it hard with all the food leftovers, makeup, dust, and all. Of course, you can wash them away while washing your face. But lips are sensitive and soft and in all the dust accumulation and washing they end up rough and flaky. For such chapped, rough lips, lip balm is the solution. Make sure one is always lying around in your bag.

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