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8 Best Self-Help Books You Need to Read for Personal Growth in 2024

8 Best Self-Help Books

Dragging your past burdens or every little criticism throughout life isn’t a way to live. Your better version won’t come from constant self-criticism or harsh treatment.

You need to seek improvements and changes if you want to break out of your shell made up of low confidence, self-criticism, blame, and more. And the best place to find tips or information on improving yourself is in self-help books. As you work towards achieving personal growth, here are some books that will guide you to your better version.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way To Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones By James Clear

Who hasn’t heard about this book? This book isn’t full of just random theories or magic fixes. Clear actually makes an effort to present the scientific explanations behind the concepts of forming and breaking habits. He doesn’t give overnight solutions, but rather he provides small improvement steps that should be repeated over and over again. Clear’s writing style makes the concepts easy to understand. He talks about 4 laws of behavior change that you can start on and see the change for yourself.

The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

Don’t live just for the sake of living, rushing through it. If you’re doing so, then you need this book to get back some hope and encouragement in life.

Haig through his amazing words encourages us to take a step back, slow down, and appreciate the little nothings of life. Life is unpredictable and this book teaches you to embrace that unpredictability and live a more meaningful life.

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*Ck: A Counterintuitive Approach To Living A Good Life By Mark Manson

If you want some reality checks, then pick this book. Manson doesn’t give you sunshine and rainbow talk. He gets straight to the point literally ordering you to do what makes you happy and own your weaknesses. Despite being very direct, Mason keeps the tone witty and funny. Once done with this book, you’re sure to have a positive outlook and confidence in life.

Set Boundaries, Find Peace by Nedra Glover Tawwab

Boundaries – so important, yet so hard to set in life. Whether in a marriage, at work, or in any aspect or relationship in life, there have to be some uncrossable boundaries. But setting up boundaries is easier said than done. That’s why you need this book, where Tawwab in simple language walks you through the art of setting boundaries.

Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

From mental, emotional, and physical to financial aspects, you can learn to control in this book. Really, it’s like an all-rounder book with practical strategies to get all your important aspects of life under control. Besides practical tips, the pages are brimming with theoretical reasonings behind how your beliefs, values, and habits influence your life. If you really want to get your mental, emotional, or financial acts together in life then we recommend this book.

How To Win Friends And Influence People By Dale Carnegie

Carnegie was way forward in his time. That’s why even though he wrote this book in 1936, it’s still very much popular and doing the rounds. The book takes you on a tour around the understanding of first impressions, disagreement handling, active listening, and more on navigating human relationships and emotions. For freshers starting out in their careers, this book should be on your must-read list.

Think And Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill

Another old but very much relevant copy, about personal beliefs and how they influence your success. Hill writes that you can’t have success just with your skills or knowledge. He firmly explains how minds and attitudes also play a big role in grabbing success. From intentional goal setting to the ‘mastermind group’ concept, this literary work schools you about the power of mindset and the ways to master it.

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life…And Maybe The World By Admiral William H. McRaven

Start small, go far – really this is the moral of this book. Admiral William H. McRaven generously shares his life lessons acquired during his time in the US Navy SEAL. He presents you with simple habits or disciplinary changes in your everyday schedules that can improve your life for the better. Read it to find out how you don’t need rigid rules or strict discipline to slip into a confident mindset, and effective work habits, and find ultimate success.

Images: Amazon

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