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Wakey Wakey! Here’s The Cafe Drink That Aligns Best With Your Zodiac Sign.


A little cafe run is the best fix when looking for a pick-me-up to start a day. We all collectively love a good cup of coffee. Whether it is to start our mornings with, when we need that afternoon kick, when we’re feeling under the weather, or when we have a lot to catch up with the bestie.

Cafe dates are normal but standing dumbfounded in front of the barista is not cool (especially if you are running late). The cafe culture is growing rapidly across the world, with new flavours crowding our feed almost every month. Sure, trying a new beverage sounds fun but, what if it falls flat? 

No matter what you prefer – coffee or tea, hot or iced, sweet or unsweetened – there’s something for everyone. With so many beverages to choose from, some people stick to the classics to avoid confusion. What if we tell you that your zodiac sign can help you pick up the best cafe drink order? Stars can tell a lot about a person’s personality or tastes – let’s turn to them to see what they have in store for you.

Aries (21st March – 20th April)


Aries are courageous babies of the zodiac, belonging to the Fire element. Being quick-witted, they don’t shy away from competition and are honest. For someone as energetic as Aries, a hot cup of Americano sounds just like a proper pick-me-up drink. 

Taurus (21st April – 21st May)


Taurus are the careful beings of the zodiac, belonging to the Earth element. Thinking wise on all matters, they can be laid back and lovers of luxury. For someone who can be patient around food, a Mocha is a perfect pick for Taurus. 

Gemini (22nd May – 22nd June)



Geminis are dual creatures of the zodiac, belonging to the Air element. Wanting to do everything, their versatility and curiousness make them stand out. For someone as youthful as a Gemini, a Latte seems the best-fit hot coffee drink. 

Cancer (21st June – 22nd July)


Cancerians are incredibly charismatic beings of the zodiac, belonging to the Water element. Lovers of classics and a true partner, they have a knack for beautifying everything. For someone who can be quite moody, an Affogato makes the best cafe drink for Cancer. 

Leo (23rd July 23 – 22nd August)


Leos are the adventurous beings of the zodiac, belonging to the Fire element. Being bold and creative, they can also be quite possessive and high maintenance. For someone who would want to be centre-of-the-universe, we decree Matcha Latte for Leos. 

Virgo (23rd August – 22nd September)


Virgos are the perfectionists of the zodiac, belonging to the Earth element. Being of a modest and hardworking nature, they can have extremely high standards. For someone as detail-oriented as a Virgo, an Espresso or a Drip Coffee would be a perfect fit. 

Libra (23rd September – 22nd October)



Libras are the diplomats of the zodiac, belonging to the Air element. Being the justice seekers in society, they can be great charmers and flirty. For someone who loves a bit of gossip, a Cold Brew might do the trick for the Libras out there. 

Scorpio (23rd October – 21st November)


Scorpios are intense beings of the zodiac, belonging to the Water element. Being extremists and big risk-takers, they can also come as relentless beings. For someone as secretive as a Scorpio, Irish Coffee sounds like a magical cafe drink. 

Sagittarius (22nd November – 21st December)


Sagittarians are the bright stars of the zodiac, belonging to the Fire element. Being honest and super optimistic, they can be quite independent sometimes for their own good. For someone who is filled with passion, Pumpkin Spice Latte is the perfect morning drink for Sagittarius. 

Capricorn (22nd December – 20th January)


Capricorns are hard workers of the zodiac, belonging to the Earth element. Being too ambitious and realistic, they also have that materialistic persona. For someone as wise as a Capricorn, a Chai Tea Latte makes the finest cafe drink to sip on. 

Aquarius (21st January – 19th February)


Aquarius are little rebels of the zodiac, belonging to the Air element. Being original and of an easy-going nature, they are also very hard to pursue. For someone who is fair-minded and creative, a Frappe seems an ideal drink for Aquarius.

Pisces (20th February – 20th March)



Pisces are the romanticists of the zodiac, belonging to the Water element. Being imaginative and intuitive, they can come as a bit emotional. For someone who loves to daydream as much as a Pisces, Hot Cocoa is a wonderful cafe drink. 

Images: Pinterest

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